
The Reign of the Servant Kings: A Study of Eternal Security and the Final Significance of Man is unavailable, but you can change that!

Can a true Christian lose his salvation? If he cannot, then is there a danger of moral liberty? It has been many years since a comprehensive book on the doctrine of eternal security has been published. The Reign of the Servant Kings, approaches the subject from a distinct and refreshing perspective which draws heavily from the viewpoints of both Calvinist and Arminian interpreters. Joseph Dillow...

We are to become the servant kings. That is our destiny. This destiny was often called “salvation” by the prophets.22 This was not a salvation from hell, but the glorious privilege of reigning with Messiah in the final destiny of man. In the eternal plan, only those who strive to be servants now can qualify for this great future privilege then. In order to be “great” in the kingdom of heaven, to rule there, we must first become humble like a little child.23 “The greatest among you will be your servant.
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